Saturday 11 July 2009

Honesty, Honestly III

Given my previous posts on this subject, I'm pleased to see the area of honesty being picked up by Nick Robinson, and a few politicians too ... for instance the Chancellor is starting to express a need for it now too ... 

In an interview with the Telegraph, Chancellor Alistair Darling said voters are entitled to know about the government's future plans for cuts and spending before the next election. He said both parties are going to have tell voters, "the lie of the land" when it comes to which areas are going to be subjected to spending cuts. He resisted being specific about where future cuts could come but indicated that nearer the election the government would be more specific about the detail.

Mr Darling told the Daily Telegraph public spending would be tighter than in the past and that it was important to "try to level with people".  He said the government could still hold a review of public spending before the general election, and yet the Business secretary Lord Mandelson had previously suggested that this had been ruled out.

Gordon Brown and Peter Mandelson (a resident expert in smoke, mirrors, deception and spin), must be fuming right now, and regretting the fact that Gordon did not get rid of the Chancellor in the last re-shuffle.  Go for it Alistair, tell us the truth, and remember to include the fact that the UK's financial crisis was actually created by Gordon Brown during his 10 years as Chancellor (i.e. and not America, or anyone else for that matter, which he would like to make us believe) ...