Sunday 6 December 2009

Taxing Times - Taxing Gambling ... Separating Gambling

Robert Peston appears to be one of the few BBC journalists prepared to probe what's going on and to question further what current leaders are doing. His recent blog eluded to the fact that the Government are considering ways to 'tax' Banks more ... partly to pay for the fact the taxpayer has had to bail them out ... but for me this does not go far enough ...

Following on from my previous post I decided to add the comment below to his blog too (Post 53):

"Tax gambling (i.e. investment banking) a lot more - absolutely ... for any Government and society, with any values/morals at all, taxing gambling heavily is a 'no brainer'.

What still makes this story more spin than substance however is that the Government is STILL avoiding the key issue ...

... We must NOT allow investment bankers to gamble with taxpayers and hard-working people's savings! ie. investment banking needs to be separated from retail/commercial banking (as well as being taxed more) so they can be allowed to fail when their gambles go wrong ...

... We need a new Glass-Steagall type act introduced again, similar to the one brought in after the last great depression ... which the current set of clowns (with 'no brains' and/or 'no morals') in their 'wisdom' took it upon themselves to remove!

Keep up the pressure and can you challenge them on this please too Robert".